Uploading to Twitter

To upload a video to Twitter:

1. Go to the Gallery.

To access the Gallery, click WebCam tile gallery sml Uploading to Twitter at the Logitech Webcam Software home page. (The Gallery is also available at the bottom of the screen when using Quick Capture or Motion Detection.)

2. Select the tab showing the video you want to upload to Twitter.
3. Select the video you want to upload.

Only one video at a time can be shared on Twitter.

Before sharing on Twitter, you must create a YouTube account for hosting of your video.

4. Click WebCam twitter Uploading to TwitterTwitter.

The Twitter upload wizard launches.

WebCam note Uploading to TwitterNote

· If your video has already been uploaded to YouTube, then you can jump to step 6.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions provided by the wizard to complete the posting of your video on YouTube. The wizard takes you through various stages. Click Next as you complete each one to move on to the next stage.  See Uploading to YouTube.

Once you have completed the YouTube steps, the video will start uploading to YouTube and you will be automatically returned to Twitter.

6. Enter Twitter Account Information.

Enter your Twitter Username and Password.

If you want the Logitech Webcam Software to retain your Twitter login credentials so that you don’t have to enter them each time you want to upload, check the Remember Me box. If you don’t want these details to be remembered, leave this box unchecked; in this case you will have to enter your account details each time you upload.


If you don’t already have an account, then click the Join button; complete your Twitter registration and then return to the wizard to proceed.

7. Create the contents of your tweet.

Once you have logged into Twitter, you are ready to create your tweet. Twitter has a 140 character limit, and Logitech will provide a short url for your friends to watch your video. The url characters count against the 140 limit.

8. Click Tweet.

And Logitech webcam software will send your tweet!


(If you had proceeded to step 4 and started an upload to YouTube, then, Logitech webcam software will send the tweet when your video is done uploading and ready to be viewed on YouTube.)

The share badge, WebCam icon share over Uploading to Twitter, attached to the thumbnail of each video in the Gallery that you upload, is to show that you have shared it with others. Clicking this icon provides:

· An option to upload or tweet again
· A URL indicating where the content was uploaded to or to your Twitter home page

This is helpful for sharing via an instant messaging program or via other methods.

Uploading to Twitter